DailyFeats' Skip Soda feat, my personal favorite.

DailyFeats' Skip Soda feat.

Keeping healthy can be a struggle, especially when you’re balancing work, a side gig and your everyday life. It can be easy to slip into bad habits, and those bad habits can add up to five unnecessary pounds in no time.

A new social media site called DailyFeats is looking to not only make healthy choices a part of your every day, but to make it fun while doing so. DailyFeats is like if your nutritionist or personal trainer jumped onto a location based service like Foursquare or SCVNGR to nag you (in a good way, of course!) Users earn points for positive lifestyle choices they make. For example, I just earned a point for choosing water over pop. Pop is one of my biggest temptations, and even the small accountability that DailyFeats gives me helps steer me in the right direction. Users can earn points by making vegetables a part of your meal, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and getting safe sunlight. If you earn enough points, you can earn gift cards to online retailers or you can donate your points to worthy causes.

DailyFeats relaunched their website last week, and it is much easier to use than it’s previous interface. It’s colorful, and each feat looks like a postage stamp. Check ins are done through DailyFeats’ website or their mobile phone app. Using the app is a simple way to be reminded and rewarded to make good choices, instead of ones your body may regret later.

Want some extra healthy living accountability? Join me in using DailyFeats. Sign up now and use the bonus points code sportsgirlkat50 to collect 50 extra points right off the bat! I’m “sportsgirlkat” on the site, and you can add me as a teammate so we can see each others completed feats.

Thanks to Monique from DailyFeats for the outreach and special offer!