Flickr image by user alexkerhead

When I was trying to start working out more, a friend told me that the key to beating laziness was to work out everyday during an extremely busy week. That would provide the motivation I needed to do it everyday regardless.

Much like I had with working out, I have fallen off the wagon writing wise. I have let work consume me to the fact that I become stymied writing wise when I get home every night. Sure, you occasionally get uber-prolific posts like my gay marriage and hockey post and my “blogging is writing” manifesto, but nothing consistent. And frankly, it’s tanked the writing career I was developing.

As I preach to the student blog writers I advise at work, consistency and effort are key. You need not post a 1000 word essay everyday, but post something, anything, on a regular basis. So in an effort to get back on the wagon and practice what I preach, earlier this week I set a goal to post a blog post everyday during my busiest week of the year – Commencement Week. If I can find a way to work it into this week, then I’ll never have an excuse not to write again. (And what a Commencement Week to pick, since I am also dealing with a personal family issue on top of everything else.)

This is post 3 of 5. Two more and I will have met my goal. Since it’s the day of my biggest event of the week – Scarlet Key, the honor society induction I have fits with every year – I am not posting anything Earth shattering. To emulate my boss and his favorite type of blog post, I’ll give you the playlist that is keeping me going this week through everything. Let’s call it: “How To Keep Your Head Above Water.”

Coming For You, JoJo
The song my usually pop hating father calls the most underrated pop song of the past 15 years. “This should have been a hit!”

Aluminum, Barenaked Ladies
An underrated gem of a kiss-off song that foreshadowed the amazing Ed songs on “All In Good Time,” their 2010 post-Steve Page release.

I Want To Be There, Blessid Union of Souls
Who I saw play the Lilac Festival 11 years ago this week, and instantly turned me off with their hair metal version of “I Believe.”

What I Know, Parachute
The free iTunes download of the week is amazing. Download it now before it jumps to $1.29. This will be a huge song this summer.

Enchanted, Taylor Swift
Where was this song when I was dating in college? Honestly, this would have been a mucho repeated track while writing history papers on the ol’ purple iMac.