I’m embarking on a month full of fun events, both personally, professionally and writing wise, and I wanted to share two of them with you. In addition, I wanted to share some of my own networking tips for socially-tentative sports writers like myself.

The Events

On October 21st, I will be attending Boston Blogtoberfest for the first time. The event is sold out, otherwise I would urge you all to join me. Blogtoberfest is a gathering assembled by the past few years by Boston based social media specialist Jenny Frazier, and draws a wide-range of bloggers and social media types.

On November 6th, I will be attending the second Boston Sports Blogapalooza at The Baseball Tavern. Boston Sports Then and Now’s Joe Gill has put together a second edition of his sports writing bonanza, which will include panel discussions this go-around. No matter your level of experience within sports media (new blogger to a writer with a major site), the event is a must attend – the networking I did at the first edition is still paying dividends for my writing. Registration is still open, and I think Joe is even looking for some Sox and Celtics panelists – check out their registration page or their Facebook fan page.

SportsGirlKat’s Tips for Overcoming Networking Shyness

As an introvert, going to events like Blogtoberfest and Blogapalooza can be extremely intimidating. Having to speak to absolute strangers? Not my fortay. (Part of the reason why I became a writer in the first place.) However, if you ever want to parlay your blogging to a freelance writing career (which I am working towards), you must put yourself out there and break through the shyness. Here is what I’ll be doing to prepare for both events:

1) Stock up on business cards. They need not be fancy – just clean, clear and easy to read. I’ve seen great work done by UPrinting.com, which is one of the many online printing companies offering professional looking print goods at discount prices. Even if you go to an office supply store and buy print-your-own business card sets, it’s imperative to have them on you when you attend one of these events.

2) Practice a 20 second hook of what you are all about. While I write about a wide variety of sports, at the first Blogapalooza I knew I would have to stand out among the masses of Red Sox bloggers and Patriots writers. Therefore, I emphasized my lacrosse writing. I rehearsed how I would introduce myself, “Hi, I’m Kat. I write about professional and college lacrosse for several publications.” Don’t sound fake, and don’t recite the introduction verbatim every single introduction. Think of this 20 second hook as your angle – how are you going to stand out – and keep it in mind when having these discussions.

3) Be willing to listen. I am an adviser/mentor by training, so I genuinely enjoy listening to what others have to say. Being willing to actively listen to others thoughts, pitches, and what have you at networking events – even if you aren’t interested – earns you a ton of social currency. By being willing to listen to others, I earned introductions I would not have normally.

4) You are never too “big” to network. At the first Blogapalooza, several writers and editors from NESN and other larger media sources were in attendance, and this go-around, Comcast Sports Net New England is sponsoring the event. They understand the exposure their brand receives by attending an event with a hundred sports fans, and know how worthwhile it is. Your site might receive a 1,000 hits a day, or you might be a columnist with a bigger site, but there’s never a time to slow down the hustle. Keep telling people what you do, keep meeting people with similar interests, and stay hungry. Keep the exposure of your own brand high, just like the bigger media outlets are doing.

If you are attending either event, tell me in the comments! I would love to connect with you there!