Enjoy the following photo slideshow of the trophy presentation and special awards ceremony from Monday evening’s Beanpot championship game. I wish I was quicker on the camera – there are a few shots I missed, including all of the seniors carrying the Beanpot and a shot I saw right as I was putting the camera away of tournament MVP Nick Bonino and the scorer of both night’s game-winning goals, Jason Lawrence, soaking up some last few moments on the Garden ice. I hope someone got that shot.

My favorite picture is of all the players picking up their equipment off the ice – I tried to get a few of these, but my camera is elderly and just isn’t getting all the shots it used to. I think it’s the last one in the slideshow.

Oh, and there is a Beanpot recap – including an inexplicable, “Your mom goes to college!” line from Scott Van Pelt – on ESPN’s Sportscenter tonight. Unlike last week, I was able to catch it on TV.

Also, if you didn’t read it while the game was ongoing, my live coverage live from the Garden is available here (select play on the Cover It Live video.)

More Beanpot recap will be forthcoming.