Because I always must take charge and plan things, I took it upon myself (after a Twitter discussion with my fave Bemidji State fan @kellyschultz) to plan an informal Frozen Four TweetUp (a meeting of Twitter users.)

Hockey Twitterers who will be at the Frozen Four this week, let’s all meet up at the Penn Quarter Sports Tavern at 5pm on Friday afternoon.  The tavern is in close proximity to the arena, so if you are attending Friday Night at the Frozen Four, you will be able to get there quickly after meeting up with us.  As I think is the plan with most TweetUps, food and drink are on your own.

If you will be joining us, if you could Direct Message or reply to me (@sportsgirlkat) just so I know how many to make room for at the Tavern, that would be mucho grande appreciated.

See you in the Nation’s Capital!