Penguin suits, Martha Stewart and bad slides – oh my!

On Monday, I attended TWTRCON 2010 at the Hilton New York (quite the glided hotel, by the way.) It was exciting to finally be in a professional development opportunity that aligns with my current position and what I wish to do in the future, instead of those student affairs conferences that I always felt entirely out of place at (I’m not a fan of the icebreaker). Plus, I was able to meet a great deal of folks I had conversed with for years on Twitter, but hadn’t ever met in person, which is always awesome.

Before I jumped on my bus home, I met a friend for a beer at the new Brewery in Port Authority (convenient for those times that you want to be sedated before taking a Greyhound bus any length of time, which is most of the time) and he excitedly asked me how it was. He’s the more coherent and thought-out version of what I told him over a yummy Apricot Beer: Continue reading